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eVisa Népal

Demande en ligne

Visa de voyage pour le Népal

Vous planifiez de déménager ou de voyager au Népal ? Assurez-vous que tout le processus se déroule de manière fluide et sans tracas !

Nous et nos partenaires serons à vos côtés à chaque étape. Profitez d’un soutien personnalisé adapté à vos circonstances uniques, avec des conseils et une assistance tout au long du processus, de la demande de visa à l’installation.

Faites-nous confiance pour rendre votre transition fluide et simple.

Entrées multiples: oui

Visite maximale: 15, 30 ou 90 jours

Délai de traitement: 48 heures

Exigences: passeport, photographie personnelle

Entrées multiples: oui

Visite maximale: 15, 30 ou 90 jours

Délai de traitement: 48 heures

Exigences: passeport, photographie personnelle

Comment demander un visa pour le Népal

Demander en ligne

Complétez une demande simplifiée 100% en ligne

Confirmer les frais de visa

Vérifiez les informations et soumettez les documents

Livraison par e-mail

Recevez votre visa approuvé en moins de 48 heures!

100% en ligne

Presque toutes les demandes sont traitées entièrement en ligne. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin sans jamais quitter votre maison !

Agent certifié

Nous collaborons avec des agents de migration locaux certifiés. Nous nous assurons que tout est 100% correct et légal.

Traitement en 48h

Le traitement le plus rapide que vous puissiez obtenir ! Plus de 95 % de nos visas sont approuvés en moins de 48 heures !

Années d'expérience

En matière de visa, l'expérience n'a pas de prix. Et notre entreprise a plus de 7 ans d'expérience.

Types de visa pour le Népal

Les visas et processus les plus courants avec lesquels nous aidons nos clients :

  • Visa à l’arrivée : obtenez votre visa à l’un des points d’entrée du pays
  • eVisa touristique : visa touristique principal pour tous les voyageurs se rendant au Népal

Nepal eVisum

Online Antrag

Nepal Reisevisum

Planen Sie, nach Nepal zu ziehen oder zu reisen? Stellen Sie sicher, dass der gesamte Prozess reibungslos und stressfrei verläuft!

Wir und unsere Partner stehen Ihnen bei jedem Schritt zur Seite. Erhalten Sie individuelle Unterstützung, die auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist, mit Beratung und Hilfe während des gesamten Prozesses – von der Visumantragstellung bis zur Eingewöhnung.

Vertrauen Sie uns, um Ihren Übergang reibungslos und unkompliziert zu gestalten.

Mehrfache Einreisen: Ja

Maximaler Aufenthalt: 15, 30 oder 90 Tage

Processing time: 48 Stunden

Anforderungen: Reisepass, persönliches Foto

Mehrfache Einreisen: Ja

Maximaler Aufenthalt: 15, 30 oder 90 Tage

Bearbeitungszeit: 48 Stunden

Anforderungen: Reisepass, persönliches Foto

Wie man ein Visum für Nepal beantragt


Füllen Sie einen vereinfachten 100 % Online-Antrag aus

Visagebühr bestätigen

Überprüfen Sie die Informationen und reichen Sie die Dokumente ein


Erhalten Sie Ihr genehmigtes Visum in weniger als 48 Stunden!

100% online

Fast alle Anfragen werden komplett online bearbeitet. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ohne jemals Ihr Haus verlassen zu müssen!

Zertifizierter Agent

Wir arbeiten mit zertifizierten Migrationsagenten vor Ort zusammen. Wir stellen sicher, dass alles 100 % korrekt und legal ist.

48 Stunden-Bearbeitungszeit.

Die schnellste Bearbeitung, die Sie bekommen können! Über 95 % unserer Visa werden in weniger als 48 Studen genehmigt!

Jahre an Erfahrung

Wenn es um ein Visum geht, ist Erfahrung unbezahlbar. Und unser Unternehmen hat über 7 Jahre Erfahrung.

Nepal Visumtypen

Die häufigsten Visa und Verfahren, bei denen wir unseren Kunden helfen:

  • Visum bei Ankunft: Holen Sie Ihr Visum an einem der Einreisepunkte des Landes
  • Touristen-eVisum: Haupttouristenvisum für alle Reisenden nach Nepal

Nepal eVisa

online application

Nepal travel visa

Planning to move or travel to Nepal? Ensure the whole process is a smooth and hassle-free experience!

Us and our partners will be by your side on every step. Get personalised support tailored to your unique circumstances, offering advice and assistance throughout the entire process, from visa applications to settling in.

Trust us to make your transition smooth and straightforward.

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph 

How to apply for a Nepal visa

Apply online

Complete a simplified 100% online application

Confirm visa fee

Review information and submit documents

E-mail delivery

Receive your approved visa in less than 48 hours!

100% On-line

Almost all requests are handled fully online. All you need without ever leaving your house!

Certified agent

We collaborate with local certified migration agents. We make sure everything is 100% correct and legal.

48h processing

The fastest processing you can get! Over 95 % of our visas are approved in less than 48 hours!

Years of experience

When it comes to visa, experience is priceless. And our company has over 7 years of experience.

Nepal visa types

The most common visas and processes we help our clients with:

  • Visa on arrival: obtain your visa at one of the country’s entry points
  • Tourist eVisa: main tourist visa for all travellers to Nepal

Nepal eVisa

online application

Nepal travel visa

Planning to move or travel to Nepal? Ensure the whole process is a smooth and hassle-free experience!

Us and our partners will be by your side on every step. Get personalised support tailored to your unique circumstances, offering advice and assistance throughout the entire process, from visa applications to settling in.

Trust us to make your transition smooth and straightforward.

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph 

How to apply for a Nepal visa

Apply online

Complete a simplified 100% online application

Confirm visa fee

Review information and submit documents

E-mail delivery

Receive your approved visa in less than 48 hours!

100% On-line

Almost all requests are handled fully online. All you need without ever leaving your house!

Certified agent

We collaborate with local certified migration agents. We make sure everything is 100% correct and legal.

48h processing

The fastest processing you can get! Over 95 % of our visas are approved in less than 48 hours!

Years of experience

When it comes to visa, experience is priceless. And our company has over 7 years of experience.

Nepal visa types

The most common visas and processes we help our clients with:

  • Visa on arrival: obtain your visa at one of the country’s entry points
  • Tourist eVisa: main tourist visa for all travellers to Nepal

Nepal eVisa

online application

Nepal travel visa

Planning to move or travel to Nepal? Ensure the whole process is a smooth and hassle-free experience!

Us and our partners will be by your side on every step. Get personalised support tailored to your unique circumstances, offering advice and assistance throughout the entire process, from visa applications to settling in.

Trust us to make your transition smooth and straightforward.

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: passport, personal photograph

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: passport, personal photograph 

How to apply for a Nepal visa

Apply online

Complete a simplified 100% online application

Confirm visa fee

Review information and submit documents

E-mail delivery

Receive your approved visa in less than 48 hours!

100% On-line

Almost all requests are handled fully online. All you need without ever leaving your house!

Certified agent

We collaborate with local certified migration agents. We make sure everything is 100% correct and legal.

48h processing

The fastest processing you can get! Over 95 % of our visas are approved in less than 48 hours!

Years of experience

When it comes to visa, experience is priceless. And our company has over 7 years of experience.

Nepal visa types

The most common visas and processes we help our clients with:

  • Visa on arrival: obtain your visa at one of the country’s entry points
  • Tourist eVisa: main tourist visa for all travellers to Nepal

Nepal eVisa

online application

Nepal travel visa

Planning to move or travel to Nepal? Ensure the whole process is a smooth and hassle-free experience!

Us and our partners will be by your side on every step. Get personalised support tailored to your unique circumstances, offering advice and assistance throughout the entire process, from visa applications to settling in.

Trust us to make your transition smooth and straightforward.

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: Passport, personal photograph 

How to apply for a Nepal visa

Apply online

Complete a simplified 100% online application

Confirm visa fee

Review information and submit documents

E-mail delivery

Receive your approved visa in less than 48 hours!

100% On-line

Almost all requests are handled fully online. All you need without ever leaving your house!

Certified agent

We collaborate with local certified migration agents. We make sure everything is 100% correct and legal.

48h processing

The fastest processing you can get! Over 95 % of our visas are approved in less than 48 hours!

Years of experience

When it comes to visa, experience is priceless. And our company has over 7 years of experience.

Nepal visa types

The most common visas and processes we help our clients with:

  • Visa on arrival: obtain your visa at one of the country’s entry points
  • Tourist eVisa: main tourist visa for all travellers to Nepal

Nepal eVisa

online application

Nepal travel visa

Planning to move or travel to Nepal? Ensure the whole process is a smooth and hassle-free experience!

Us and our partners will be by your side on every step. Get personalised support tailored to your unique circumstances, offering advice and assistance throughout the entire process, from visa applications to settling in.

Trust us to make your transition smooth and straightforward.

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: passport, personal photograph

Multiple entries: yes

Maximum visit: 15, 30 or 90 days

Processing time: 48 hours

Requirements: passport, personal photograph 

How to apply for a Nepal visa

Apply online

Complete a simplified 100% online application

Confirm visa fee

Review information and submit documents

E-mail delivery

Receive your approved visa in less than 48 hours!

100% On-line

Almost all requests are handled fully online. All you need without ever leaving your house!

Certified agent

We collaborate with local certified migration agents. We make sure everything is 100% correct and legal.

48h processing

The fastest processing you can get! Over 95 % of our visas are approved in less than 48 hours!

Years of experience

When it comes to visa, experience is priceless. And our company has over 7 years of experience.

Nepal visa types

The most common visas and processes we help our clients with:

  • Visa on arrival: obtain your visa at one of the country’s entry points
  • Tourist eVisa: main tourist visa for all travellers to Nepal